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FROM YOUR PASTOR’S HEART September 5, 2023

We had a sweet treat waiting for our CBC members, when they arrived for Sunday School this past Lord’s Day. Our friend Micah, owner of “Sweet from the Vine,” had sent over an assortment of fried pies, when he closed up his fruit and vegetable stand on Saturday afternoon. It is rare that he has any left that late in the week. I have discovered that the best selections are there when he opens up on Thursday morning. Yet, he had a good weekend and closed a little early on Saturday. So, he sent a box of pies with me.

I have to confess that I did stash one in my office, which I am eating now as I write this article. In case you are wondering, it is a delicious coconut pie. You will be happy to know that I limit myself to a half a pie at a time. That way, I get to spoil myself twice! With the price of suits and clothing, I cannot afford to gain my weight back again. I am grateful for the opportunity we have to offer this service to our community by allowing Micah to use our property in the park. He is always quick to point out to his customers that the church permits them to do this as a way of giving back to our Cordova friends.

One of the greatest dangers facing the church is the tendency to turn inward and ignore the needs of those around you. We have made some great inroads into our local community for over 150 years. Currently, we are engaged in global missions in a tangible way by sharing our facilities with Cordova Korean Baptist Church. We are also ministering to those in need in our area through our Food Pantry Ministry. Having the produce stand available for the residents to enjoy is another way of helping others. We read in 1 Peter 4:10, “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms” (NIV).

Our opportunities and responsibilities for ministry are not limited to our service times on Sundays and Wednesdays. We are to be the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ every day and at all times throughout the day. I often take advantage of the gathering of people, literally at our front door, by going over and getting acquainted with them. I also let them know that they are always welcome to join us for worship. God has presented me with the chance to hear from hurting people, and to offer encouragement to them and prayers for them. I praise God for the many ways He allows us to show the love of Christ to our Cordova community.

Serving in love, Bro. Jim


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