In just a matter of a few of weeks, I have experienced a good portion of what is involved in “Pastoral Ministries.” We have had a funeral, a baptism and will observe the Lord’s Supper next Sunday. I have made visits to both hospitals and homes. We have celebrated birthdays and our anniversary. The only thing missing is a wedding. Do I have any volunteers or likely candidates?
The “Children’s Sermon” that I shared on Sunday continues to speak to my heart. We are told in God’s Word that we are to serve God by serving other people. That is the calling that the Lord placed on my life more than 50 years ago. The Apostle Paul wrote in Galatians 5:13: “You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love.” Jesus taught throughout His ministry that acts of love and kindness we show to others are viewed as deeds done unto Him.
So, what can we do to be of service to other people? I mentioned a few things from the pulpit on Sunday, but there is no limit to the acts of concern and compassion that we can show in Christ’s name. A card, a call or a letter to someone who is hurting brings joy in the midst of their suffering. A visit to one who is homebound can change their whole week for the better. Most elderly people are grateful for an offer of help in the yard or around the house. I recall one member who would ask me to change her lightbulbs when I visited. A meal that they didn’t have to cook is a blessing to those who live alone.
We know that the Holy Spirit guides us to accomplish God’s will and His works. He will lead us in seeing and serving the needs of those around us, if we are sensitive to His direction on our lives. I often say that I am not smart enough to know to be “in the right place at the right time.” Yet, the Spirit of God is aware of those who need my help and will guide me to the place where I am needed. A verse that is my daily goal is Psalm 37:23: “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and He delights in his way.” I want to be the Lord’s good man!
Serving in love,
Bro. Jim