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My “Children’s Sermon” this past Sunday started me thinking about the many rich blessings from God that we all take for granted. In Psalm 103:2, we are instructed to “forget not all His benefits.” This is another reminder that we need to count our many blessings from God, recognizing Him as the source of every good gift that we enjoy.

Too often, it is not until some of His precious gifts are lost, or in danger of being lost, that we truly learn to appreciate them. A good example is our physical health and well-being. When we are young and strong, we give little thought to our physical health. However, as the number of candles on our birthday cakes increase, we begin to realize how frail and fleeting good health can become. All too often, it is not until illness or a health scare arises that we recognize our dependency upon God for our fitness.

Another example of “His benefits” that we tend to overlook are the special people in our lives. While we may focus attention on our immediate family members, we often fail to appreciate the extended family and dear friends that God places in our pathway, during this journey of life. Once again, it is not until we begin to lose some of those who are dear to our hearts that we understand what beautiful blessings they were to us. We need to look around and see that God has gifted us with some precious people.

When it comes to counting their blessings, many people will start with the material gifts of houses, cars and monetary wealth. These things are indeed a sign of God’s favor, but they are also easily lost. We do need to be grateful to the Lord for such blessings. Yet, there are some benefits that are not so easily replaced. The psalmist listed several reasons to praise God: “Who forgives all your iniquities, Who heals all your diseases, Who redeems your life from destruction, Who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies, Who satisfies your mouth with good things, So that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.” Let’s not forget the abundant blessings from our Lord!

Serving in love,

Bro. Jim


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