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As the new school year begins, thoughts of my childhood come rushing back to me. For the boy “Growing Up on Dump Ground Road,” there was never any question about what school he would attend. Everyone in his small, Central Texas town attended the same school that their parents had attended. In fact, his Middle School, or Junior High School as it was known in in those days, was in the same building where his father went to school. It shared a campus and cafeteria with the Elementary School. He even had one teacher in High School that had taught his father before him. Most of his classmates were the same for his twelve years of study.

Today, families are faced with some tough decisions about what school their children will attend. There are options about the type of school in which to enroll your students. The parents have to make a choice between public, private or home schooling. Many times, the decision comes down to finances and what is most affordable for the family. It is never easy to know which school offers the best opportunities for your children. So, the parents have to research their options and decide where to send their children.

As a church family, I urge you to join with me in praying for the new school year. Pray for God to bless and use the teachers who are connected with our Cordova Baptist family, to have a positive and powerful impact on the lives of their students. Pray for all the children who are attending our church, both at CBC and CKBC. We know that this must be a challenging time for the Korean children, who are new to our culture and our country. Pray for the safety of our teachers and our students, as they travel to and from their various schools each day.

The world has changed greatly since the days when the DGR kid walked home from school each afternoon. However, the same God who kept that young boy safe from harm is still watching over His children today. We are told in Hebrews 13:8, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” Let’s pray that the Lord’s hands of protection will guide and guard our people throughout the coming school year!

Serving in love,

Bro. Jim



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