Heading to South Korea
The mission trip to Korea is becoming very real! The airline tickets and insurance have been purchased. The lodging and other arrangements in Korea have been made. We have a total of nine people going on the trip. It has been amazing to watch God at work in the planning and preparation for this trip.
The generosity of our CBC family in support of this trip has been terrific. With the money raised from the Spaghetti Lunch, the Yard Sale, and our Mission Trip fund, we were able to provide $800 in assistance to each of our young people going on the trip. Our adult sponsors are all paying for their own expenses. The cost of the airline tickets is about $1400 per person, with each individual needing $200-$300 travel money. We are grateful to everyone who has contributed toward this mission endeavor.
We will be leaving Memphis on Monday morning, July 24th, arriving in Incheon on Tuesday afternoon. The first week will be spent in Seoul, touring the city and doing a Prayer Walk. I will be returning on Monday, July 31st, but the rest of the group will return on Friday, August 4th. They will be working with children at a retreat center near Daejon, holding English Camps and VBS.
We ask that you pray for those who are taking part in this trip. Please ask God to bless the people with whom we will be working. Also, pray for safety as we travel. We also want you to join with us in praying for the people who are enduring the hardship of life in North Korea. Ask God to work in the hearts of their leaders and to bless those who are secretly serving the Father in this country. While you are at it, give thanks to the Lord for the freedom of worship and other blessings that we enjoy in the USA.
Serving in love,
Bro. Jim